Swapnil Mane
Personal Website
Swapnil is an open-source leader and advocate. He is taking care of Developer Relations activities at Webiny and is serving as Vice President, Apache Community Development at Apache Software Foundation. He is working on spreading open source awareness with Open Source Wave initiative (www.opensourcewave.io) and worked with the student community & educated 2500+ students in open source through in-person events.
Some of his notable FOSS roles include.
- Vice President, Apache Community Development
- Developer Relations, Webiny
- Apache Software Foundation Member
- Founder, Open Source Wave
- Apache Central Services / Editorial Member
- Founder & Chair, Apache Local Community (ALC)
- PMC Member, Apache Community Development, OFBiz, Roller
He had contributed to numerous open-source projects varying from ERP, CMS, Progressive Web App domain like Apache OFBiz, Roller, Vue Storefront, Storefront UI, Peregrine CMS, etc.
And is involved in a wide variety of roles in these FOSS projects like the founder, lead, mentor, core contributor, evangelist, etc.
He has been involved in multiple dimensions in Apache Software Foundation, like leading the Apache Local Community initiative, managing the foundation’s weekly and monthly news round-ups, and part of project management committees of various projects, like Community Development, OFBiz, Roller, etc.
He is skilled in E-commerce, Order Management System, Omni-Channel, and PWA strategy and builds enterprise-grade applications for business automation.