Session: 2 for 1: Angular Across the Stack with Analog/Deconstructing Compute-Storage Separation: A Hip-Hop Producer’s Guide to Data Management

Angular Across the Stack with Analog – Brandon Roberts

Analog, a fullstack meta-framework for Angular to take advantage of it’s ecosystem to build Angular applications and websites faster. It also extends Angular to new ecosystems and tooling. This talk is about how it started, and going across the web stack with Analog and Angular.

Deconstructing Compute-Storage Separation: A Hip-Hop Producer’s Guide to Data Management – Joshua Alphonse

What does compute-strorage sepration and hip-hop music production have in common? Let’s find out! Just as hip-hop producers sample and manipulate audio to create musical masterpieces, data warehouses ingeniously sample and manage data elements.

In this talk we’ll break down the complexities of compute-storage separation by drawing parallels with the art of hip-hop record sampling. Join me for an exploration that bridges the gap between technology and creative production learned while contributing to a data warehouse.
